Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Hi guys,
a little App is appeared on AppStore. It's call iNetApp and is a simple RSS client of web site. You can see it here.
Thanks to Matteo di Maggio for his supporting.
Have fun!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Festeggiamo on IPhone

Hi everybody,
Our first IPhone App Festeggiamo, is now available on AppStore here .
It has been a lot of hard work to realize it: we hope that a lot of people
enyoy it.
Now, we are working on new Apps, either on IPhone and IPad, and on
web sites developing.
Thanks to goWare for joining us on Festeggiamo developing.
Feel free to contact us for any kind of comments.

Kind Regards.


Monday, March 15, 2010

Hi guys,
We are on the way for our first IPhone App release. In this first version, we only will deliver only few
of features we are in mind. Nothing new: a simple translator that connect automatically to
and return site response in original form or a filtered form as option. Well, we hope that a lot of people will download it: sure, two people will do (me and my associate!!).
Apple today will allow to preorder IPad: we will not again downloaded new beta version of SDK (3.2) that
should allow to realize IPad App, but we will make it as soon as possible. In the meantime, we will study our
new App: things will not be the same after its release...!!

Warn Regards

Monday, February 15, 2010

Moving as Apple Developer

Hi guys,
well, I'm stepped out from my company at the end on last year,
and since two months I'm working on
Apple IPhone/IPod Touch apps.
Cool.... Xcode IDE, Apple Developer Connection, Objective C
and a wealth of resources and documents to read...
My brain is out of control... I needs a IPhone App to remember all
stuff I red on Apple Site.
Somebody knows one?
First approach to Objective C is stunning: clean, simple upgrade of
C, huge objects built-in library, as all object oriented programming
languages. But some problems with Basic Foundation objects....
NSNumber, NSString, NSArray.....
Well, especially the first one that start with NSN....

Warm Regards